Thursday, January 13, 2011

The begining

So here I go, a blog I guess. Bonna suggested I make one and I guess it will be cool if people want to read some air force type stuff I know alot of people don't get much insight into what we do in the military. (We obviously don't all go in shooting the bad guy. Of course that is if anyone even reads what I blab about on here.

We will see I guess.

Hmmm.... so what should I talk about?
Well for anyone who doesn't know you, which right now is all about 0 of my readers. I am an aircraft mechanic. I work on HH-60 pave-hawk helicopters. We have a rescue mission that we support in Afghanistan, rescuing wounded soldiers, and downed fighter pilots/ aircrews. I just got back from my second deployment in Afghanistan and just recently got told I am getting sent to Pusan, South Korea for two weeks. My wife Bonna is not happy about this, and I have mixed feelings since I just got home to my wife, but I do enjoy traveling from time to time. I only have about 5 months left in the Air Force.

So here are some things I have learned from being in the Air Force. It seems like the Air Force is divided into 3 categories. People who are really good at their job and they work their butt off learning and doing their job well. People who aren't very good at their job but spend their time volunteering and kissing butt so they can win awards. Then there are the people who really aren't that decent at their jobs but don't try to get ahead by kissing butt either.I like to think that I work my butt off trying to learn my job and by fixing aircraft. I spent alot of my energy into being good at what I do and I take pride in that. It really agrivates me though to see who people shmooze with the higher ranking people and weasel their way into decorations and awards when there are so many people in the Air Force who aren't gunning for recognition that deserve it.

Well thats enough about work needless to say I am bitter from being at the same base for shortly under 3 years.

random thoughts of the day:

Its really hard to be a good neighbor, I don't like talking to people if I don't think I have anything in common with them. I don't know if it's because we have had such bad experiences with neighbors or what. But I have lost any urge to talk to new neighbors, heck I leave for good in 5 months anyway.

Also, there are people who believe that a race of sentient alien lizards created the human race and the earth and that there is a sun in the center of the earth. Thats some weird wild stuff.

Also, heres a did you know question for you, did you know that people like me who get sent to Korea on certain TDY's get to stay in 5 star hotels that the government is paying for? I mean I'm not complaining but our unit alone makes like 6 or 7 trips a year.

and last but not least I love my wife Bonnas to death because shes awesome.


  1. I really love the thoughts about the alien lizards....hmmmm. I'll dwell on that tonight! Be safe...and move to Baltimore! lol!! (can't help an aunt and uncle from trying!!)

  2. Loved the blog, Isaac!!!! I love reading you'd & Bonna's posts on FB already because I love your sense of humor & way with words!!! Therefore I know I'm gonna LOVE both of you blogging!!!
    Keep up the great work you are doing! You deserve LOTS of accolades & rewards!!!!
    Love & Prayers,
    Momma C
    P.S. I'm counting down the days until we have u both safely home with us!
